C.S.G. Gica is a student choir in Groningen with about 50 members. The choir was founded in 1965 and has a long and rich history of over fifty years! The name Gica is short for Gaudete in Cantando, which is Latin for ‘rejoice in singing’! And that’s what we do every week. We mainly sing classical pieces, but our concerts often include music from contemporary composers. Every six months (a semester) we start a new project, which ends with at least one big concert. The rehearsals take place every Thursday from 19:30 until 22:00 in the Oosterkerk (E. Thomassen à Thuessinklaan 1). Please note that rehearsals are in Dutch, but we know from experience that foreign students blend in easily. It is also the perfect opportunity to learn Dutch!
In addition to singing together, we often organize fun activities such as theme parties, pub quizzes, and cycling dinners. We also go for drinks together after every rehearsal, so there is plenty of time to get to know your fellow choir members!
Please note that there are two intake times every year – early September and early February. Unfortunately, it is not possible to enrol at an other time because we work on projects on a half-yearly basis.
Would you like more information or do you want to come and watch/listen? Please fill in the form below.