Loading Events Concert Groningen

Concert Groningen

Student choir Gica sings: ‘One day’
What do the different parts of the day sound like? In this programme, Gica narrates a twenty-four hour day, from the first rays of sunshine and the bright midday sun to the deep night. The programme is not only a journey through time, but also through the different cultural landscapes of German, French, and British choral music.

For instance, Brahms and Mendelssohn announce the early dawn, chansons by Lassus and Certon express the activities of the day, and Dowland and Vaughan William sing of the veil of the night, which at times invites melancholic feelings but ultimately ends in a deep sleep.

Saturday January 27
De Fontein
Eikenlaan 255
Start: 20:15

At the door: €15,-
Discount rate*: €12,50
Presale: €14,-
Discount rate*: €11,50
*discount applies to people under the age of 18, students and holders of a Stadjerspas.

Click here to buy tickets

Update: online ticket sales are now closed, but of course you can still buy tickets at the door.


27 January 2024
20:15 - 22:00


De Fontein
Eikenlaan 255
Groningen, 9741 EZ Nederland
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